That song still sounds so futuristic.
What song?
I remember visiting family in Poland the year this song came out, it was played EVERYWHERE. On subsequent visits, that song was still being played everywhere.
When I was 16 I was on the bus, reading and with headphones on. A random grown up man wouldn’t stop talking to me and pestered me to give him my number. I felt pressured and gave him a fake number and then he said I was racist for not wanting to give him my real number (he wasn’t white). And for the longest time I believed him that I was in fact racially biased and felt bad, and only after a while realized I was just a teenage girl being pestered by an adult man and reacted naturally.
That’s harassment
I would’ve called the cops. Then again, it is easy to struggle in the moment
Jesus, your story gave me the chills. Crisis have been avoided luckily.
Jesus, that is horrible.
The only person who tried to talk to you when you had headphones on was your grandmother. The rest of the family gave up on you long ago.
Maybe you shouldn’t wear headphones when the pediatrician talks to you like an adult instead of having your mommy answer for you.