Most of my frustration comes from combining cases insensitive folders/files with git and then running my code on another machine. If you aren’t coding where you have hundreds of files that import other files, I could see this being a non issues.
Mostly Windows, and construction industry. So projects generate anywhere from a few hundred to up to a hundred thousand files.
Everyone has their own filesystem, and then you often have one formal and multiple informal exchange platforms. You still have people throwing around stuff in E-Mails too.
It is a mess. But in this mess i didn’t come acrosse people complaining they couldnt find a file because of the letters case yet.
I see that it could be different for programmers, but i dont see that apples solution of treating upper and lowercase as identical name is the solution there, rather than working with explicit file naming conventions in the program.
Case insensitive handling protects end-users from doing “bad” things and confusion.
Simple solution: only allow lower case characters in file names.
I work with a lot of users and a lot of files in my job.
I don’t remember a single case, where someone had an issue because of upper- or lowercase confusions.
Most of my frustration comes from combining cases insensitive folders/files with git and then running my code on another machine. If you aren’t coding where you have hundreds of files that import other files, I could see this being a non issues.
On a Linux environment? Mind sharing the usage area?
Mostly Windows, and construction industry. So projects generate anywhere from a few hundred to up to a hundred thousand files.
Everyone has their own filesystem, and then you often have one formal and multiple informal exchange platforms. You still have people throwing around stuff in E-Mails too.
It is a mess. But in this mess i didn’t come acrosse people complaining they couldnt find a file because of the letters case yet.
I see that it could be different for programmers, but i dont see that apples solution of treating upper and lowercase as identical name is the solution there, rather than working with explicit file naming conventions in the program.
Windows is / Windows filesystems are case insensitive too.
Hmm you’re right. I didnt notice so far, nor was it brought up as an issue.
You can activate case sensitivity since Win 10 or so.
Like windows and their forbidden folder names