I wanted some temperature sensor that can place outside my house, it is simple and not very expensive, which directly integrates with HA would be ideal but not 100% necessary.
I have seen these in Aliexpress, I don’t know if someone has them or if you think they can serve me https://acortar.link/5vbeT2
Thanks for the aid, I am starting with all this and I see good resources in this community
EDIT: Thank you very much for all the answers, it is incredible how fast you have helped me. You have also given me many interesting options to investigate more before making a decision
I use the round version of the same Tuya temperature sensor in my refrigerator and with Home Assistant. For $4 I wouldn’t hesitate trying one in a protected area outside. As long as it’s not directly exposed to rain or sun it’ll probably work fine.
$4?! Wow I have sonoff knes and I don’t think they were that cheap. Are they relatively accurate?
Seems to be. It reads within 1 degree of a digital refrigerator thermometer.
Do you have a link? I’ve been using the square Aqara ones for years but they are way more expensive than that
It’s this one: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805942369090.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
Sweet, thanks!
Well, the price is 16€. I don’t know when the promotion apply
I’m in the U.S. and it’s $4-$5. Free shipping with a $10 purchase. Surprised it’s so much more in the E.U.
You’re right! I’ve seen the offer and usually they’re just for the first piece, but for that item there are no limits.
Is the reception in the fridge still reliable?