Ogwen valley, Eryri/Snowdonia, Wales, UK.
I once took the wrong gorge up Tryfan, and it taught me to be much more careful about and prepared for scrambling. If we’d not turned back when it got hairy and found a safer way, I’m positive our group would have been in dire straits.
The area is incredibly beautiful, even with reduced visibility.
Wow, yeah you’ve got to be careful with Tryfan; a good chunk of it is scrambling whilst navigating.
Wow, beautiful!
great pic!! What did you shoot it on?
This was back in the days of yore, which is to say, a Nikon D7000 using a Tokina 11-16 mm f2.8
Oh, sick! I had a D7000 for a good while. I think I looked at the 11-16, but eventually went for a Sigma 12-24 after I got a D800 (my current kit, which I don’t use enough lately…). Anyway, great pic. Looks like maybe you did an Orton effect kinda thing on it in post…?
I’m keen on ensuring there’s a sense of distance in my landscape work, and one way to achieve that is making sure your black levels lighten as the distance increases. I achieve this by diffusing then lightening black levels selective the further in the distance an object is.