Read this and then decide for yourself:
This is why I just block their fucking “we’re in trouble and need your help” banners. Their income is public knowledge. They don’t actually need help.
maybe redirect that to
I feel like they need it more… they’ve just been hacked and they might need more resources to upgrade their security.
But both are good causes. But make sure you have enough emergency funds saved for yourself first.
Edit: Another argument for over wikipedia is that wikipedia is mostly a text based site. , in contrast, can store photos, videos, software, and various media thay requires more storage. The entire English wikipedia is only about 100GB (excluding videos), but is probably in the Terabytes or more.
Their software collection alone has reached the petabyte mark:
I don’t anymore.
they do not need your money, and it’s disingenuous of them to imply they do.
The manipulative aspect of their annual fundraisers is very unsettling.
here are some numbers from 2022:
they have at least 400 million in reserves now and the estimate is $10 million a year to maintain the site and pay all their employees.
their higher executives are each paid hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.
they’re not struggling to keep the lights on for the next half century.