Left of rei. Likely her twin sister Ram is to the left of her, but iirc they have different color hairbands so it’s probably just two copies of Rem, so like [Rem, Rem, Rei]
To which I have to say… good on them for using AI porn in the least bad way? (IE realistic fictional characters instead of real people that did not consent to the depictions being made of them).
That’s mostly what AI Porn land is now, as animation is easier and hence fictional characters are easier. Trainers also tend to exclude real people from base models.
Who are the girls in the picture? We can do this, team. Left to right, starting at the top.
Gwen Stacy
little mermaid
lol Rei
That’s Rem, not Rei
Who’s Rem?
That was so high level it went past most of them. Take my upvote
If you have to ask, you can’t afford it!
Dude, I’ve got like… Five bucks. How much more do these cartoon woman want?
Left of rei. Likely her twin sister Ram is to the left of her, but iirc they have different color hairbands so it’s probably just two copies of Rem, so like [Rem, Rem, Rei]
Character from an anime called Re:Zero
Edit: I guess I got whooshed? I haven’t seen the show yet, just know what some characters look like.
7 looks like Jinx from Arcane
It feels good to contribute to society
To which I have to say… good on them for using AI porn in the least bad way? (IE realistic fictional characters instead of real people that did not consent to the depictions being made of them).
That’s mostly what AI Porn land is now, as animation is easier and hence fictional characters are easier. Trainers also tend to exclude real people from base models.
#1 Gwen Stacy?
I would find it hard to believe if Jessica Rabbit wasn’t somewhere there, probably 6? Although the hair style doesn’t quite match.
The world has forgotten about Mrs Rabbit, sadly.
#1 is markiplier
Not to be that guy but… go out and touch some grass.
If you don’t want to be that guy, then stop being that guy.
You shouldn’t judge someone for having a grass fetish. They have wants and needs like anyone else.
When the lawn gets cut, which activates its distress signal with that sweet fresh fragrance… OP can’t help but get off on that.
I’ll never look at an old man with grass-stained, white New Balances ever again.
Because God forbid anyone have fun, right? You need to take your own advice.
You must be fun because you love pornstars! I don’t so I’m boring! I’m going for some fun grass now. Have a good one.
Ah yes, the famous pornstars “little mermaid” and “aerith”
I can’t disagree that they’re pretty famous. And apparently they are starring in a porn video. So…
We’re going to need to see some proof, smart guy. For uh discussions sake
deleted by creator
take a chill pill
He can’t. His parents bought him a PS 1 when he was a child, or something.
Are you still talking about me? Oh man… so sad.