Locking the thread before it gets worse. This is not the place to level potentially defamatory accusations against a person. Take that shit back to twitter.
This is the extent that I’m familiar with PewDiePie so i assume he is a turd if even Shawn thinks he’s bad.
Isn’t he the guy that went to a Japanese forest known for where people go to commit suicide and just laugh?
Edit: down votes because I can’t tell terrible YouTubers apart?
Wasn’t that Logan Poul?
Same energy so I get the mix up, honestly.
Your thinking about logan paul not pewdiepie
No, but he does have a history of racism and supporting/promoting white supremacists.
Pewds will soon discover Kenny and Luke Smith 😂. Linux is in vogue right now
He’s getting really well into the Linux and FOSS rabbit hole. And he’s also serving as a “celebrity role model” for people interested in switching to Linux. This can have lots of potential!
As much as we may disagree with Felix and his decisions, I can’t help but see the potential value of one of the most popular internet celebrities in the world pushing the “Linux is just as good as windows now” narrative.
It’s gonna push more devs to click that enable Proton button a lot more often, they wouldn’t wanna lock their game off of one of the biggest YouTube channels in the world now would they?
For me, if the year of linux desktop requires a piece of shit then I’d rather it just not happen at all.
This is the shitty gatekeeping attitude that supports the stereetype you have you be a neckbearded techie living in your mom’s basement to use Linux.
There’s plenty of pieces of shit before and after PewDiePie that have contributed to the popularity(or even existence) of Linux, just because they might be morally questionable doesn’t negate their potential usefulness to a good cause.
Oh boy!
For example Richard Stallman
@Montagge As unpleasant it is to admit, shitty people that exist on this planet, are people too, and they also use computers. The year of Linux desktop must logically mean that it’s used by everyone, regardless how much of a piece of shit they are. Being so uncompromising and adolescently idealistic about it doesn’t do us much of a favour in terms of adoption.
On the other hand, a piece of shit with an audience might prove useful.
When was the last time you checked in on Felix and his actions? I personally haven’t in at least 9 years, back around when he started getting heat for his less “friendly” statements.
Do you know, with absolute certainty, that he still holds those beliefs and still acts according to them?
He’s done nothing to make me believe he’s changed.
Less friendly statements is a hell of a Trumpian way to say racial slurs.
He’s done nothing
But have you been paying attention to his behavior or just waiting for a big grand news worthy statement?
Good to know. I’ll steer clear of that OS then.
I didn’t even know this dude was still around, let alone any sort of relevant
Bit more relevant than you, let’s put it that way
The year of the Linux distro will soon be upon us
With Wayland pretty much done, some of the partially working issues here actually solved. https://wearewaylandnow.com/
Wine Wayland is already merged and the small bugs are being solved. https://youtu.be/45rBNpoK3L0
And NTSync is coming in Kernel 6.14. and in Wine its just waiting be merged.
Removed by mod
Reddit ass post
deleted by creator
Wrong guy. That was Logan Paul.
What’s with the common mix up between these two? They couldn’t be farther apart.
They’re both pieces of shit that helped funnel young men into far right groups
I don’t confuse Tim Poole and Alex Jones.