Oh boy, you’re in for a treat if you’re just entering The Expanse for the first time. Enjoy!
Oh boy, you’re in for a treat if you’re just entering The Expanse for the first time. Enjoy!
I see this type of comment somewhat often and I’m always left a little confused about what I’m missing. The only time I ever use the touch pads is in desktop mode, which is not that often. What games use the touch pads?
I don’t think the example given above is an apples-to-apples comparison though. This new example of “an infinite non-repeating string” is actually “an infinite non-repeating string of only 0s and 1s”. Of course it’s not going to contain a “2”, just like pi doesn’t contain a “Y”. Wouldn’t a more appropriate reframing of the original question to go with this new example be “would any finite string consisting of only 0s and 1s be present in it?”
The best way forward depends on a lot of unknowns.
Pics would help clarify quite a lot.
A friend of mine put on that Kim Deal album for me the other day when we were talking about albums that came out this year. I’ve only heard it the one time so far, but agree it was great!