It’s good that you seem to understand this problem is about her and not you. This sort of behavior is usually driven by some form of mental illness. She may not be able to change her behavior. Whatever the cause, it is not you.
You are experiencing a form of psychological abuse. Protect yourself as best you can. Even when you know, on an intellectual level, that she is being abusive, it’s hard not to react to it emotionally. Find some people who can understand the problem, whether they are family, friends, or counselors. It helps to have outside perspectives and it definitely helps not to feel like you’re alone in dealing with it. You may find it beneficial to get counseling for yourself.
I wish you all the best.
I loved A New Hope and thought The Empire Strikes Back was brilliant. I never recovered from the Muppets in the opening act of Return of the Jedi. None of the movies since then have gotten as high on the scale as “good”. The series have been a mixed bag, but none of them have had the grandeur of the first two movies.