Thermoplastic usually starts as small pellets that you can heat up in boiling water and mold into shapes to repair things. Once cooled, it’s pretty strong. I just have a blob of it in my toiletry bag to fix whatever breaks.
Thermoplastic usually starts as small pellets that you can heat up in boiling water and mold into shapes to repair things. Once cooled, it’s pretty strong. I just have a blob of it in my toiletry bag to fix whatever breaks.
Shoe horn, thermoplastic.
Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead
Those I can just watch over and over, so those are mine. There are better movies out there, but if I can watch them that frequently, then that’s my qualifier I guess.
Runners up: LOTR (honestly they are #1, 2 and 3, but that’s cheating), The Fith Element, Spirited Away, Back to the Future, Heat, Dune (not that one), Saving Private Ryan, Akira, Terminator 2, Princess Bride, Dancer in the Dark, Tombstone, The Sound of Music, The Matrix, Monty Python (Grail and Brian), Naked Gun, Harry Potter series. I guess some of the Star Wars movies, maybe the unadulterated originals and Rogue One.
Worst: Sausage Party (it’s so bad it makes any other movie good)
Toasted peanut butter and banana sandwiches…with a violent application of Sriracha.
That was exactly my turning point. It was so unnecessary. It really exposed what a immature, petty, shithead he is. After that instance, all of his try-hard poser traits were out in the open and his lies stated stacking up over his head. I knew kids like him growing up, the difference is that I felt bad for them and they grew up. He is emotionally stuck as an awkward chump who tries to believe that people are laughing with him.
I don’t get excited for any of his projects any more, even though they are both impressive to some degree or another and many jobs with honest and skilled people are attached to said projects.
If there is one thing he impresses me with, to this very day, is his ability to absolutely shit the bed
ICE thinks Taco Bell is authentic Mexican cuisine.
First they took the swappable battery, then the IR emmiter, then the magnetic card swipe, then the SD card, then the headphone jack, then added Bixby… They have zero value proposition anymore. Everything else I do is on apple hardware, and so will be my next phone.
I am not sure, I was just guessing it did. The last episode just had me going, “oh, OK. Fair enough.” and didn’t really provoke any more curiosity out of me. I think between the general fractured feel of it all and duration between seasons… Should have named it Disengagement.
I kid, sort of.
I enjoyed it for the most part. I just had a hard time shaking how disjointed it all felt. It was missing something to keep it cohesive and flowing properly. I can’t put my finger on it.
Meanwhile, Disenchantment seemed like it was written episode by episode. I guess it all tied up in the end, but I didn’t care about 90+ percent of the arcs, so the whole series felt half-baked to me. I enjoyed it, but something felt off, by miles.
The amount of “OREGUNIAN” and Sig Sauer decals on people trucks, cars and the occasional Jeep Liberty in my area is tragically comical. Just drive through any neighborhood where garages aren’t common and you could pick out ten houses to rob later.
You couldn’t ask for a bigger target to paint on yourself.