• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I don’t know about a metal cord protector but here’s a different solution just in case it doesn’t exist. when my cat wouldn’t stop chewing on cables, I got bitter apple spray, collected all the cables in my house, put them all in my bathtub and sprayed them all very liberally with this bitter apple spray, let them dry then plugged everything back in. Now the only time I have a cable get chewed through is when I just got something and I forget to spray it cuz I guess she still tests them just to be sure they taste awful. And believe me, it tastes awful. I highly recommend wearing disposable gloves while handling the stuff, especially while it’s wet and then washing the bathtub and your hands thoroughly once the cables are dry and back where they go. Blegh!

  • I’m not sure what word would properly describe your situation however the definition of the term over-employment both by the actual definition and in the common vernacular is for someone to have two jobs that they work simultaneously for double pay.

    Your situation sounds like it sucks because you are basically being forced to waste 20 hours of your time every week. if you did the entire job in 20 hours but you still have to sit there for 40 that’s dumb. However, it doesn’t make sense to me if you were arguing against being forced to do this thing, which you called over-employment and some might call being overworked or forced to waste your time, I’m not sure why that would be censored In an anti-work community. Again I might suggest trying to restate your original argument here so that people can fully understand what you were trying to say and then provide actual feedback. Without the original argument I cannot say for certain what the moderators might have been thinking.

  • I cannot read the original post because it’s a link to lemmy which has been blocked, however from the context you have given, if the term you were arguing for was “over employment”, that is the practice of people who work at a computer to have two jobs which they work simultaneously, effectively doing two jobs at different companies the same time for double pay. The argument of being overworked, forced to accept overtime without overtime pay, or forced to work longer than 40 hours on a salary job, and you’re arguing for either overtime pay or strict working hours, I think that would be a reasonable argument.

    But if they thought you were arguing for people being able to work two jobs at once for double pay, AND that being a good thing, that is kind of the opposite of what an anti- work community is about and it would make some sense to me for a moderator curtail that.

    You may have to restate the argument here if you want people to be able to give a clear opinion on the matter.

  • If it can be abstract I would snap away the acceptance of hierarchy as a method of social control, like historically speaking go back to the first people who decided that there should be a person in charge of all the things and have the people say “Naw, that’s fucked” and then that just not happen. Not that the idea of hierarchy not be in existence at all, because I think it would be more effective to have people recognize that it’s bullshit and intentionally build societies antithetical to hierarchy rather than to have society’s that are ignorant of its potential harm.

    If it had to be a tangible thing that I could physically dissolve… Parasites? Would all parasites count or is that too broad? Cuz if we got rid of fleas and leeches and mosquitoes and ticks that would wipe out huge swaths of vectors of disease transmission. No black plague, no zika, no dengue fever. If we wanted to expand the definition of parasites even broader than the the bourgeoisie class might be included but I wouldn’t want to get my hopes up. XD

  • I theorize that it’s somehow based on skin undertone? Maybe? Just by my very limited personal experience, me and my mother have Olive tone skin and we get left alone and my dad and my other three sisters have pink toned skin and get devoured and I’ve seen that pattern play out in about 20 of my close acquaintances as well. I don’t know why that would possibly cause any sort of change besides maybe there’s some chemical makeup in olive tone skin that smells bad to mosquitoes? I don’t know, but me and my Olive friends seem to get left alone and the pink babies get munched.