I’m not sure what word would properly describe your situation however the definition of the term over-employment both by the actual definition and in the common vernacular is for someone to have two jobs that they work simultaneously for double pay.
Your situation sounds like it sucks because you are basically being forced to waste 20 hours of your time every week. if you did the entire job in 20 hours but you still have to sit there for 40 that’s dumb. However, it doesn’t make sense to me if you were arguing against being forced to do this thing, which you called over-employment and some might call being overworked or forced to waste your time, I’m not sure why that would be censored In an anti-work community. Again I might suggest trying to restate your original argument here so that people can fully understand what you were trying to say and then provide actual feedback. Without the original argument I cannot say for certain what the moderators might have been thinking.
I don’t know about a metal cord protector but here’s a different solution just in case it doesn’t exist. when my cat wouldn’t stop chewing on cables, I got bitter apple spray, collected all the cables in my house, put them all in my bathtub and sprayed them all very liberally with this bitter apple spray, let them dry then plugged everything back in. Now the only time I have a cable get chewed through is when I just got something and I forget to spray it cuz I guess she still tests them just to be sure they taste awful. And believe me, it tastes awful. I highly recommend wearing disposable gloves while handling the stuff, especially while it’s wet and then washing the bathtub and your hands thoroughly once the cables are dry and back where they go. Blegh!