Originally, I had set the “hostname” in lemmy.hjson as just “geekroom.tech” but that was causing issues with trying to send email. So I changed it to the hostname of the server prd-pub-pod11.geekroom.tech" … then found out that when it sends emails, it uses that hostname as where to send people to in order to verify and login… no bueno.
So then I changed it to www.geekroom.tech and now just have a redirect at cloudflare for www to naked domain
It sounds like I need to reinit the entire install …
Yeahh It’s already changed back to geekroom.tech and is operational. The only thing I wanted to start resolving is the www.geekroom.tech hostname that i’m occasionally seeing in the logs now. I’m sure it’s cursed now lol It sucks that it’s so easy to setup a broken instance and then be forever cursed. :(