Does shitjustworks have a rep? So far so chill, I don’t think I’ve heard any controversy about this one.
Does shitjustworks have a rep? So far so chill, I don’t think I’ve heard any controversy about this one.
Don’t a lot of places also have limited data plans, but unlimited data for using Meta and other big tech platforms? That’s still a thing right?
That would probably depend on the instance creators. Donations are paying the way so far, but maybe someone will test out an instance with a registration fee or something. I don’t see that working out unless every other instance is in dire straits and super unstable because they’re running out of money.
This is why I like SomethingAwful forums too. Open since 1999 and an account costs $10. Just a little barrier to entry keeps out the worst people and trolls help fund the site by reregistering!
It’s not an alternate way to view Youtube, it’s a totally separate service. You’re not missing anything, if no one’s using it to post content, then there’s no content. Youtube is a tough one to compete with because the infrastructure needed to host that much data and distribute it is insane. Peertube is super niche and not many know about it, but I do wonder how fast scaling would become a problem if it suddenly got an influx of new users.
After a quick look through it, so far it looks mostly like jokes dunking on conservatives. Not the “jokes” crypto fascists are all about, aka saying something horrific and then saying jk jk afterwards.