Inspiration for making a solar-punk home from a regular residential building:
Inspiration for making a solar-punk home from a regular residential building:
They look very cool indeed. Tailoring the design to harnes naturally available energy sources instead of relying on the grid is great. Also increasing sustainability by making it easy to service makes sense. The only thing I fear is that if everybody wants to live in a single story home, the world will be plastered with housing and there will be no more agricultural land left to produce food.
Also this
We must achieve sustainability as a society not as individuals. And while the latter is our main leverage it shouldn’t actively undermine the former
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Würde also hier niemanden stören und ich würde mich sehr über Inhalte freuen, die mehr mit meiner Lebensrealität zu tun haben, als die von jenseits des großen Teichs :)
Why not Matrix ? Its E2E nit just TLS and also it prevents vendor lock in. This way chosing a providor is really about trust and not also about having to chose the same thing what your friends use