Rat King
Ah, that’s what that blue bull with yellow hair is.
some additional details
Gargoyle - always spawns in orthogonally (vertically or horizontally) adjacent pairs
And they always face each other.
Minotaur - a treasure chest always spawns in one of the 8 spaces surrounding him
And they always face away from the chest, but turn towards it when you open the chest.
Dragon - Defeat it to end the game with a win.
Defeat it to get 13 gold, pick up gold to reveal crown, pick up crown to end game. But if you’re trying to collect all the gold you can, it’s OK to defeat the dragon and keep going a little.
Romeo and Juliet
Face each other equidistant from the center line.
Just waiting around for tens of minutes wherever you were supposed to meet someone, when they didn’t show on time.