(Someone else made it but I can’t find the source)
(Someone else made it but I can’t find the source)
(FYI I didn’t make this and I believe it’s fake but honestly it’s hard to tell)
The goal of 3rd party apps is to do what’s best for the user so they continue to use their app
The goal of Reddit’s official app is to do what’s best for Reddit
It’s possible to expand on the functionality but that’s the fundamental misalignment on priorities regarding users
Awesome, thank you for taking the time to explore it more, that makes sense to me
I’m curious, couldn’t we define z as only 1/0? Then 2/0 would have to be factored to 2*(1/0) first and it would solve this specific example of things breaking. I haven’t done advanced math in a while but your comment picked my curiosity haha
I remember 1/0 is pretty important in limits and stuff, it just seemed to me that this specific example seems not too hard to resolve
Superuser do? How about soviet worker do?!