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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2024


  • I agree with this comment. As mentioned as answer in the post, to have a backup of these things is a big reason why I chose to selfhost. I had to switch devices (and operating systems) too many times. Moving data around everytime would be a hassle. To have all the important stuff not only stored but also organized and easy to access is very convenient and makes me stop worrying to accidentially lose my phone for example.

  • I just recently switched over to rpi-clone after doing backups of the booted SD with SD Card Copier, the GUI app on Raspberry OS.

    The original version from billw2 didn’t work with modern OS versions. After doing some lookups in the issues and online, the users pointed to geerlingguy’s version, which seems to be maintained.

    I’m not using rpi-clone-setup but rpi-clone sdX and after trying it for the first time, it worked. I swapped out the SD with the copy and the raspberry booted (it didn’t boot with billw2’s version).

    Next step is to create a script for regular backups.

    To your questions:

    • Tried it, it works for my use-case
    • rpi-clone asks for confirmation, which I need to address when trying to do backups automatically
    • Have tried others but needed a working copy on a new SD card, so this is the solution I’m going with
    • If you want a file you probably want to use dd. I’m aware of the space issue. I quickly looked up other tools: partclone and fsarchiver seem to address the free space issue, but I never tried them so I cannot speak to that.