How often does your temp/humidity sensor report? I’ve also got a Tuya one from Aliexpress and had to shelve it because it was spamming the sensor data 5 times a second.
How often does your temp/humidity sensor report? I’ve also got a Tuya one from Aliexpress and had to shelve it because it was spamming the sensor data 5 times a second.
Multiselect lists are outdated design, requiring prior knowledge of what they are and the use of keyboard (that you might not have if using a touchscreen device) for a simple interaction with a webpage is terrible UX. The issue is that it’s how browsers render them by default, a ‘proper’ multiselect requires a bunch of css and javascript.
Out of recommendations given here I’d ignore Arch/Manjaro, for a server you want something that you can set up and forget about and not explode when you try to update the packages after not doing so for 3 months.
Kubernetes and the likes are a bit of an overkill unless you’re planning to expand to having multiple machines or want a learning experience.
I’d recommend docker compose or podman, you generally don’t want bare bones docker as running your containers via
docker run
sucks ass.