One of my biggest curiosities ATM is how to source nitrogen to breathe. What are the rarest resources in terns of the solar wind and stellar evolution of a system? Nitrogen seems to get blown away with a very distant ice line that should largely determine its availability right? It doesn’t seem to form compounds with staying power on any smaller objects.
Another benefit of mining the atmosphere of Venus. While Venus has a much higher C02 to N2 ratio than Earth, it has SO MUCH atmosphere that it has 4 times as much nitrogen as Earth does.
There’s frozen nitrogen on Titan, and smaller amounts of it on the other moons of the giant planets. If you have the fuel and time to get out to the Kuiper belt, there’s probably 50 times more drifting around frozen out there, even before you start mining dwarf planets (sounds like your setting has plenty of time).
There’s also N2 available in the the planetary atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. A tiny amount, as a percentage of those atmospheres, but again, considerably more than is present on Earth in terms of mass available, if you can get at. Mining Jupiter’s atmosphere is an orders of magnitude more challenging problem than mining Venus’s. But if you CAN mine Jupiter’s atmosphere, you’ll have all the light elements you’ll ever need. We could build thousands of Earth surfaces worth of space habitats and have plenty of water and atmosphere to fill them up with.
Again, I think the best solution is Venus. You get carbon for megastructure hulls, water, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur. It’s all roiling around in a toxic vapor mix, yes, but it’s all very useful if you can distill it out, which is all known science and there’s just SO MUCH OF IT.
In other star systems, I’d look for similar solutions.
I’ve been using Linux primarily for 24 years and exclusively for like… 10-12. When I HAVE to use another OS (for work or something) I miss all my tools and feel powerless. It drives me nuts.