Don’t use the Reddit app. The app uniquely identifies your phone
I am tired and bored.
Don’t use the Reddit app. The app uniquely identifies your phone
No no no. If she’s purposely avoiding eye contact you have to stare at her with wide open eyes and a big smile.
If she walks away follow her, if she starts running away from you, run after her. She’s telling you to come over.
That’s how you conquer a woman /s
Yeah but tbh it’s understandable that OP got confused. I think he just means 100W
With everything on, 100W but I don’t have my NAS on all the time and in that case I pull only 13W since my server is a laptop
I second this. I love to feel part of a community even tho I could have never found the backdoor, let alone fix it.
But it’d be cool to understand how the universe is even here. Why do we have particles and energy? Where does all that come from?