This thread was inappropriately censored by either or claiming:
“Reason: Reason: Literally the opposite of anti-work is “over employment” which OP is arguing for”
There is an English comprehension problem by the mod. Would someone whose first language is English please:
- notice that over employment is actually the problem that the thread identifies and seeks remedies for. Being forced into a full-time or nothing ultamatim is a very common problem that oppresses the anti-work community.
- undo the improper action
The mod’s action to suppress is actually a pro-work action, as it prevents discussion around solutions to over-employment.
original post text
Progressive tax regimes are conducive to anti-work philosophy, right up until you take a year or more off.
Having a progressive tax system means tax rate increases disproportionately with the more work you do. And that’s a good because working less is encouraged by a reduced avg tax rate.
But what happens when you take a year (or 5 years) off? You live off savings that were taxed in higher brackets while earning zero. IOW, consider:
They both had the same gross earnings per unit time but Alice gets screwed on taxes because of the progressive tax system. My pattern is comparable to Alice due to forced full-time gigs that refuse part-time. My refuge is to subject myself to being over-employed for a stretch then quitting for a stretch of bench time. The only remedies I see:
I made up number 3. Does that exist anywhere?
Any other techniques to hack around forced full-time scenarios? Or to deliberately fluxuate working hard and not working without the tax penalty?
Yeah this seems like an unneeded removal to me but I’m not active in that community.