So I just read this book on history of games called “Blood, Sweat and Pixels” and was fascinated by the chapter on The Witcher 3 and mostly how the team put in so much thought and care in every single side quest. And seems that there are a lot of moral decision to be made on each adventure. So I finally decided to give it a try. Got any advice for me?
Be a good dad to Ciri. It’s extremely important.
Don’t chase all the markers on your map, most of them are crap and you’ll burn out.
In the first region in the midst of the first small village two neighbors are arguing. They are not giving a quest, they just talk to each other and listening gives such an insight in how war can turn people against each other that have been living peacfully and been friends for years.
Do the side quests and take your time with the dialogue. Some of these stories are impactful, mostly sad and worth your time. If you are told that you should talk to people to find out more about your contract, do it. Some of these quests can be done with only talking to one person but you want to get the information from everyone and especially their side of the story.
Do not look up the outcome of decisions. Make your decisions and live with them at least at your first playthrough. Most decisions have impact and seeing the outcome unfold makes this game special and yes often there is no “good choice” - that’s war for you.
Last: Buy every Gwent card you can get your hands on and play with everyone you can. If you can’t win just come back later with better cards and obliterate them - it will feel goooood!
The DLC’s are a must.
Try out difficulty settings - there is a sweet spot for most people somewhere but what it will be for you no one can know, but it would be a shame if you play through the game not having found the difficulty that fits you best because you “always play on <insert difficulty>”.
Have fun, I wish I could play this game for the first time again.
Oils are reusable so don’t try to ration them. I didn’t use them for the first quarter of the game because I didn’t know that. There are a lot of fights that would have been much easier.
You’re kidding me‽
Good thing to remember about builds. Geralt is a sword fighter first and a magic user 18th. Be good at slicey.
Put the baby in the oven
Just trust me on this bro
You’ll know when the time is right
There’s nothing worth finding in the seas around skellege.
Banging prostitutes sometimes gives xp
Be supportive of your daughter…dont make my mistakes
“But I thought I was helping!”
-Me after the bad ending.
I should have had a snowball fight.
Are the games in book order or does it not matter?
The games are a sequle, CDPR got the rights to make a game based on the IP in the early 2000s and just did their own thing.
W1 was a bit rough, plot wise it tried to incorporate a lot of the existing world but played the amnesia card so everyone had to explain shit to Geralt (and by extension the player).
W2 is a direct follow up to W1 and put CDPR on the world stage by being the high water mark for graphics requirements around 2010. Still a very good game, a bit on rails for modern standards, but still fantastic for how it handles branching paths.
W3 + DLC won all the awards in their respective release years for a reason, they are magnificent and with CDPR spending 15 years in the IP they make tons of call backs to the books without the players feeling like they are missing something if you didnt read them.
There are 2 (ok… 4) TV shows.
The netflix shows starring Henry Cavil, king of the nerds, (who is being recast by the least hot hemsworth because netlfix pissed off the books biggest fan) and what ever that second one was that we dont talk about (There is also an anime, which is pretty good) and the Hexer, a made-for-TV low budget show that loosly follows the plot of the early books, it in polish and I dont think it was ever dubbed (I managed to find it with subtitles years ago).
I know this is more than you asked for but, enjoy the games, enjoy the books, be aware of the fan opinions of the shows.
I knew nothing of the game and presumed as a “witcher” I’m supposed to kill witches. Be, um, …selective.
Be, um, …
Stop playing this overrated repetitive game.
Yeah I mean obviously all these people must be wrong. It is a masterpiece whether you vibe with it or not but I just don’t see how it comes off as repetitive to someone.
World building and storytelling are top notch.
I personally found the gameplay a little lackluster here and there. Even on the hardest difficulty, I never really had to use potions for example. And looting never felt good to me, it feels very Diablo-esque in that you keep finding a sword that does +2 damage to your previous one. It rarely feels meaningful to loot anything.Still an amazing game of course.