Does anyone have this issue were firefox becomes slow if left open for a long time. In my case after a couple of weeks rendering becomes slow and when I use youtube for example if is laggy, just trying to change volume taka few second to show the volume bar. It also happens to my laptop at work. I have around 30 tabs open.
Are we all going to ignore this person had Firefox open for weeks?
Why is that unusual? The only time I close apps is when I restart for an update like once or twice a month.
And your computer is running THE WHOLE TIME?
No of course not, sleep + hibernate after awhile in sleep mode is the default on windows.
Stop trying to shame people for using their damn computer.
Stop downvoting people who treat computers the way they ought to work! Needing to restart shit, with any regularity, is a flaw. Some of us are doing work, god dammit, and having to get things set up from scratch is a pain in the ass.
All the stuff I have open is open for a reason. The fact it all gradually stops working is not excused by the fact it can be unfucked by a hard reset. It’s supposed to keep working.
Seems like a waste of electricity to me
I’m pretty sure sleep more uses more energy than turning the machine off when it’s not in use