they are not investing… they need to raise capital to do that. currently they are praying US and german taxpayer will fund their CapEx.
Looks like US took note and this clown got sacked, which is good but enough.
Between boeing and intel… you corpo practices are being exposed for the pathetic extraction racket it is. at least boeing went out and raised 20b via share offering and gutted their shareholders.
Intel stock prolly too gutted to do that now tho lol
they are not investing… they need to raise capital to do that. currently they are praying US and german taxpayer will fund their CapEx.
Looks like US took note and this clown got sacked, which is good but enough.
Between boeing and intel… you corpo practices are being exposed for the pathetic extraction racket it is. at least boeing went out and raised 20b via share offering and gutted their shareholders.
Intel stock prolly too gutted to do that now tho lol