I see thats an important point ive misunderstood until your comment - its not about, for example, having a huge number of cows. But a natural number, living full happy lives. As opposed to the artificial amount we breed for farming. thanks!
The original wild cows, aurochs, were far different from the ones on farms today. Farm cows would likely die quickly and go extinct without human support. There is an attempt to “devolve” farm cattle to daylight the latent auroch genes left in some breeds of cattle, it is called “rewilding”. Of course the catch is also finding them wilderness habitats without things like highways cutting through them.
I see thats an important point ive misunderstood until your comment - its not about, for example, having a huge number of cows. But a natural number, living full happy lives. As opposed to the artificial amount we breed for farming. thanks!
The original wild cows, aurochs, were far different from the ones on farms today. Farm cows would likely die quickly and go extinct without human support. There is an attempt to “devolve” farm cattle to daylight the latent auroch genes left in some breeds of cattle, it is called “rewilding”. Of course the catch is also finding them wilderness habitats without things like highways cutting through them.