Valid points! Like I was saying to some others, I don’t really need a setting to go into and say here’s my own fonts, but I don’t like that it’s not even doable (unless you know how to backdoor it?)
By the way, thank you for that link!!! That article is insightful as well as reminding me that there are other people who think exactly like I do; I was thinking it’s like I could have written it myself, it’s so in-line with how I think and what I complain about! I practically gushed when he made the CSI:NY reference without drawing attention to it.😄
I’ll take a look at the Magisk one to see what it can do, thanks!
It should never be such a pain. TotalCommander allowed me to use any of my thousand TTF fonts by browsing to them and selecting one. That’s it. Simple and instant. It only works within the app for display, though. Of course, TotalCommander was made by the best, works on every device literally and fails at nothing at all. Maybe the Android developers should ask them how to code.