Part of being a senior developer is knowing when to act. Can you do it? Probably. Is it worth the time and money? No.
Part of being a senior developer is knowing when to act. Can you do it? Probably. Is it worth the time and money? No.
I enjoy refactoring and making legacy code better.
The DMR in call of duty years ago. “Here’s a bug with a gun that instakills from 4 miles away that breaks the game dynamics. It’s literally unplayable. Instead we added more features that make us money.”
There’s a udemy course by Maximilian that is only $20 that helped me immensely. Highly recommend.
It’s British humor so it’s a bit dry and winded at times. But they don’t talk down to their audience like the American version.
And becoming incredibly relevant.
Which one? Both are good but UK is the best.
With AI that could literally be anything now. Or they could be LGBTQ. Or black. Or a woman.
Yeah the one thing I did do was attempt the cutout cookies she did. I found her recipe but it was very sparse in the directions. But they turned out great. So I’m glad I’ll still have those. Apparently cream of tartar is what gave it that special acidic “Christmas feel” I’ve always wondered about over the years.
Thanks for sharing. I didn’t expect anything from anyone. Just getting things off my chest. But I appreciate it. And my condolences as well.
My mom died on Mother’s Day this year. Really wanted to just skip the holidays. No tree and decorations. She liked to do them every year. Little present ideas. It was pretty quiet this year. But we made the best of it.
Two reasons. If you can’t find it you might find and buy something else. The same reason all the seasonal (Christmas, school supplies, Halloween ) stuff is in the back of the store. Also we did this with Target all the time. Called it resetting an aisle. Moving everything ensures that anything that was hidden behind something or misplaced is put back in its right place (zoning). It’s basically a super zone. A reset aisle looks very neat.