Getting (CONSENTUALLY) gangbanged by A LOT of guys, like enough that it starts to involve logistics planning to accommodate that many people being in a single space at one time.
If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
Getting (CONSENTUALLY) gangbanged by A LOT of guys, like enough that it starts to involve logistics planning to accommodate that many people being in a single space at one time.
Collecting lists related to a disenfranchised group or the aid of a disenfranchised group is a pretty big red flag of the actor’s intentions, especially when that list gets passed around to corners of the internet that are well known to think the problem is not enough disenfranchisement.
4chan lost the right to complain about anything related to D&I in gaming and be treated as anything but subhuman slime after Gamergate.
Less a formalized word and more a turn of phrase
We have a lot of them for sex related stuff due to a looooooong history of how the culture around what’s considered vulgar has developed