What is driving the bed height? Lead screws? Check if they are straight and/or wobble around as they turn. Any imprecision in bed height due to mechanical issues with the Z axis would also translate into perimeter width variations.
What is driving the bed height? Lead screws? Check if they are straight and/or wobble around as they turn. Any imprecision in bed height due to mechanical issues with the Z axis would also translate into perimeter width variations.
I can only guess the print orientation but it looks like curling to me. Basically on that side, the part cooling fan (or lack thereof) is making the plastic of overhangs curl more than on the opposite side which gives you this bad surface finish. Otherwise maybe a retraction issue but that would probably show in other places too (oozing).
I’m afraid I can’t recommend anything as I’ve never had issues with this, so I never really researched it. But if the banding frequency changes from print to print, then an issue with the Z axis is unlikely