This is a little wrong. East canada is actually north canada, while the real east canada is sticking out in the topleft corner. Please do invade it, I beg you 🥺 🙏
This is a little wrong. East canada is actually north canada, while the real east canada is sticking out in the topleft corner. Please do invade it, I beg you 🥺 🙏
Some Russian ones:
недоперепил: недо - not quite, пере - overdid, пил - drank. Sounds weird due to opposing suffixes, basically means “haven’t drunk enough to get completely wasted”, in my circles we use it to describe displeasure when the alcohol runs dry on events we’ve set to get wasted all along.
опердень: Due to how it’s only used in professional circles and how language is structured, someone hearing it for the first time might think it’s a word rooted from “пердеть” (to fart), and based on the suffixes assume it relates to some kind of creature that farts (or get farted) all over. But it’s actually a shorthand for Операционный День (processing day) which is how finance guys call their banking software as it basically replaced said processing day in their work.
Same for “опсос” - sounds like “someone who sucks all over something” but is just a shorthand for “оператор сотовой связи” - phone service provider.
There are at least four links leading to AI tools in this page. Why would you link something when you complain about it?
This post is literally an ad for AI tools.
No, thanks. Call me when they actually get good. As it stands, they only offer marginally better autocomplete.
I should probably start collecting dumb AI suggestions and gaslighting answers to show the next time I encounter this topic…
You mean, the watches from each other, the keyboard from mice, keyboard/mouse from the watches?
…All of them?
I don’t see what’s the point of the second one if the syntax highlight, even in the first example, already shows a changed role.
A more realistic solution for the example code would be to setup a linter in the pipeline, and if one letter variables and/or template literals detected, depending on how nice you are, reject the commit, or send an email requesting the author to be beaten up with a crowbar to the techlead, and a copy, parsed by chatgpt for formality and politeness, to the HR.
And that’s the problem. The whole privacy thing goes out the window because it relies on an insecure and state-controlled method for authentication. What’s the use of it if it can be killed off in any country at a whim of its, or USA’s government?
Let’s say the US gov starts agressively prosecuting dissidents and certain minorities (they already do): can and should we still use signal in this case?
Definitely no. Russian government already is aggressively prosecuting dissidents and you can’t join Signal there. I don’t know whether it’s due to sanctions or if the government is blocking 2FA SMS messages. In either case, it is impossible to join without a phone number confirmation. At least I wasn’t able to. I don’t see the USA being that far off with all the recent TikTok drama.
Uhhh… I’d say he already crossed that threshold recently when he flung that empty ballistic missle into some random ass factory
LMAO, what a sub… I don’t what I expected going in, but it certainly wasnt a crypto scam as the first post. More like conservative @ my ass
He did tho. I don’t know where and why you’ve pulled these quotes from, when the original message is available publicaly, and where it’s very clear whom exactly he accused.
As someone who picked up an eFat last summer, I really regret not going for moped or shelling out for eMoto like surron.
The main thing that bother me is that I thought bicycle parts would be largely commodified and interchangeable, but what I’ve met instead was a lot of gatekeeping and ridiculously overpriced parts. For example, rear suspension is still somehow a luxury on bicycles while being an essential piece on pretty much every motor vehicle and even modern electric scooters and EUC’s out there.
Another is that all that extra weight makes it a terrible as a bicycle, to the point I don’t really want to pedal like ever.
This combined makes the pro of being able to ride the sidewalks pointless - I’d be much better off driving the road.
But then, from a motorcycle perspective, I got a fraction of range and speed for the same price, for the pro of being able to store it in my apartment… But I kind of have to, because unlike motorcycle, there’s no alarm, no ignition key, zero security features, and the battery dies in the cold so I can’t even keep it in my garage.
There is another pro that I don’t need a driving license… well, technically I do because the power rating falls into moped range, but nobody ever checks that, so people commonly get away with 5kV+ eMoto’s and supercharged mopeds just as well.
One thing I found the hard way is that majority of backends for imagick, the suite that powers almost every file conversion and manipulation you see on the internet, are maintained by, at most, one person, if not abandoned completely. I’d say that’d be a good one to donate to, and from which most people would benefit from.
If you think 26% is bad, in Russia it’s going to be priced at around ₽80-100k(~$883, VAT included), but the median monthly salary is ₽43.500 - $480… That’s well over 100% median household income given that over 38% families only have a single parent. And I’m pretty sure that’s not even the worst out there, think like Argentina has an extortionate import tax or something?
Haha, nope. The links points to a table of contents after which you are on your own. The right link should point to a specific page instead, but the problem here is that postres docs are poorly optimized for search engines. If you click on the top link from google, you would see there’s a notice that the page is outdated, with a link to a current version, but said link is dead. It’s not an issue I’ve ever experienced with mysql docs for example.
And yes, w3schools, despite how terrible it is, is still above the official docs because it is more popular with newbies. I remember a time when I just started, I preferred sites like it, because they were simple and on point, rather than technically correct and comprehensive like the official docs are. If you forgot the feeling, try learning math on wikipedia (assuming you don’t have a math degree).
For the rest I cannot argue. Generated/AI shit is indeed ruining the internet and search engines giving up and joining them isn’t helpful either.
Another thing like that I wish I’d discover sooner is syncthing - it’s really intuitive, just point it to a folder and it syncs stuff across your devices automatically. With it, a lot of cloud storage, backup and file transfer applications and features are completely redundant.
EDIT: Ah, I did not scroll far enough to see that this recommendation is literally the next comment from this.
Oh shit, here we go again. Time to short alphabet stock until they bury all that AI garbage like the rest of it.