He’s getting out!
Quick, drag him back in!
Good luck man!
As someone that left the US a decade and a half ago, here’s some things to go ahead and start getting answers to so you don’t have to figure it out when the time comes:
- Figure out how to get a bank account (hopefully you’ve already worked this one out before arriving)
- Where to buy toiletries and medicine. Specifically deodorant. The UK is mostly spray deodorant where as I’m a stick deodorant person. At one point I was just bringing 4 sticks of deodorant back with me after every trip home. I’m not sure which way NZ leans but it was definitely something I hadn’t considered before
- Where to buy socks and underwear you’re comfortable with
- Figure out how the health service/insurance works. Go ahead and book dentist and doctors appointments 6 months in advance if possible so you get in the habit.
- Figure out how paying taxes works
- If you’re a US citizen, remember you’re still required to file taxes with the IRS every year.
- Learn how to make friends. I still haven’t figured this one out. Let me know if you do.
Ahhh, the privileged leaving behind the many to suffer that want to leave but can’t.
do you blame them? should they stay until everyone that wants to leave can too?
a lot of people fled nazi germany before they started killing people too….
and, you can leave too… just maybe not with much money….if i had a trans kid, i’d take them to any country that wasn’t trying to kill them…
Sorry to say for you and me, but suffering under fascism doesn’t solve anything. If we don’t defect or rebel, we’ll just end up in mass graves.
Purity tests like this aren’t helping.
good luck on your journey.
Good choice
Nau mai ki Aotearoa!
Hope down under treats you better
left the UK 13yrs ago and never regretted it
skills shortage list is how I got in, and being under 40 (at the time) gave me points in their system.
anyway just going to drop this here if YouTube is allowed
Take me with you
Congrats on having a backbone. Hope you enjoy the vast experiences in your new life!
Having a backbone would be to stick around and fight this shit; not flee.
People have been fighting for like 8 years now.
Its over, sometimes it best to just walk away.
Neither is easy.
That’s a bit harsh. Like my old man always said, “you gotta know when to hold 'em; know when to fold 'em; know when to walk away and know when to run.”
Your dad was Don Schlitz? Or was he Kenny Rogers?
That song is about a gambler’s desire for selfish self-preservation, not “having a backbone”
It’s not. Granted, I 100% respect and understand someone’s decision to leave the USA at this time, but there’s very little that’s courageous about putting yourself into a better situation. It’s the next option up from rolling over and dying.
Yeah, walking away from every person you’ve ever known and every support system you’ve ever had in hopes of a better future with no real promises to fall back on if it doesn’t work out isn’t courageous at all.
I’d call courageous moving into a red state… and then everything you said above still applies. I moved from a red state to a blue state in October. Everything you said applies to me, but I can assure you that my decision was not one that was “courageous.” It’s self preservation.
Hope your life goes well in New Zealand. Leaving on the cusp of a new hope is an odd choice.
I get you’re trolling but it’s not funny anymore. It was barely funny in 2016 but with looming environmental collapse and the rise of a fascism. Just read the room, please.
I wish there was a way to down-vote this comment so much that your global internet privileges are revoked. Describe any one of Trump’s executive orders that instills hope in anyone?
The only good thing may be the lift on psychedelics that RFK announced, but that’s not worth the rest of the shit the Trump administration wants to do
just remember to keep voting, don’t let what happened to Venezuela happen to you guys
My brother in Christ, the UK is already addicted to Middle East and Russian money, they don’t need drug trafficking money like Venezuela to ruin their political system.
NZ? You a billionaire?
Trumpeter is currently researching what independent nation to rename yo NUSA…NewUSA.