Depends on where you live. Some neighborhoods are very nice, others are the typical Soviet hell. We live around Chisinau, and Chisinau is constantly developing. There’s always stuff opening up around here. I’d say if you don’t live in the countryside or the bad parts of the city, it’s livable. Here’s a drone shot of our house, you can see a bit of the surrounding area: it’s very nice, very green.
Depends on where you live. Some neighborhoods are very nice, others are the typical Soviet hell. We live around Chisinau, and Chisinau is constantly developing. There’s always stuff opening up around here. I’d say if you don’t live in the countryside or the bad parts of the city, it’s livable. Here’s a drone shot of our house, you can see a bit of the surrounding area: it’s very nice, very green.
Oh ok, that’s a very fine house and neighbourhood !