I didn’t see this coming and I think it’s funny, so I decided to post it here.
Infinitesimal service. It’s effectively no service but it pays better.
gotta keep wirth’s law going strong
Announcing FemtoServices™ - One Packet at a Time!
In an era of bloated bandwidth and endless data streams, today we proudly unveil a groundbreaking approach to networking: FemtoServices™ – Connectivity, one Ethernet packet at a time!
(Not to be confused with our premium product, ParticleServices, which just shoot neutrinos around one by one.)
no services, fuck you
I was going to write that every function should be a service as sarcasm, then I realized that’s exactly what this article is proposing. Now I’m not even sure how to make a more ridiculous proposal than this.
IaaS Instructions as a Service
Want to know if a value is odd? Boy have we got the API for you!
Boy have we got the API for you!
It’s probably AI-supported slop.
Yeah, I had been willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt that this was all part of a big joke, until I saw that the rest of their blog postings are also just like this one.
Ah, you’re right
Cant wait to set up a docker container for a service which takes a string input and transforms it into a number as the output. Full logging, its own certificate for encryption of course, 5 page config options and of course documentation. Now, you want to add two numbers together? You got the addition service set up right?
left-pad as a service.
It’s a modern day enterprise fizzbuzz: https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition
Oh yeah, this is the stuff business dreams are made of.
Neovimservices ftw
I’m trying to understand how this is different than a concept I learned in computer science in the late 80s/early 90s called RPCs (remote procedure calls). My senior project in college used these. Yes I’m old and this was 35 years ago.
Microservice architectures are ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow, implementations of Erlang, implemented by people who think that “actor model” has something to do with Hollywood.
This is just distributed functions, right? This has been a thing for years. AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, GCP Cloud Functions, and so on. Not everything that uses these is built on a distributed functions model but a fuck ton of enterprises have been doing this for years.
someone at my work didn’t get the message.
2000+ line function with 3157 node packages.
is that nano enough?
I feel like this name addresses the problem of services claiming to be microservices when they’re not.
Does that even happen? cat is micro, sed is micro, systemd isn’t and doesn’t claim to be
Tech moved in cycles. We come back to the same half-baked ideas every so on, imagine we just discovered the idea and then build more and more technologies on top to try to fix the foundational problems with the concept until something else shiny comes along. A lot of tech work is “there was an old lady who swallowed a fly”.
I always keep saying " You cannot plan your way out of a system built on broken fundamentals." Microservices has it’s use case, but not every web app needs to be one. Too many buzzwords floating around in tech, that promise things that cannot be delivered.
Yep micro services are great, but monoliths are just as great and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It all depends on what the system requirements are.
This is just the Linux way but with… Rest? Seems slow.
What’s next? Femtofunctions
You only need two of them, one for
and one for0
Poe’s law strikes again!
I can’t agree more!
We already have nanoservices, they’re called functions. If you want a function run on another box, that’s called RPC.