What companies are currently creating #ESPHome devices that you have bought and used? @homeassistant #homeassistant
Apollo Automation (https://apolloautomation.com/)
Elevated Sensors (https://www.elevatedsensors.com/)
Ratgdo for my garage door (https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/). So simple but it works so well. Blows MyQ and OpenGarage out of the water
Those seems nice products, but wow, they cost quite a lot!
Most of these products are made by individual entrepreneurs or small businesses. They don’t have economies of scale, so each product is hand made, which makes things more expensive.
I have one of these but haven’t set it up yet. MyQ is so annoying.
I have installed 3 of these now. A little expensive for an outright cost, but well worth it when you see how easily it integrates with the garage door openers. You can a ton of information out of it and some other goodies like parking sensors. They did a great job of making it really easy to install and straight forward to add to Home Assistant. You save a ton of money in the long run over a MyQ subscription.
Well, I’m not a company, but I use my own creation: https://nowsci.com/only-sensor/
The post about it was here if you’re interested: https://lemmy.world/post/23499799
Have a bunch of KAUF Smart Bulbs that come pre-flashed with ESPHome
Also have a bunch of SonOff S31’s and a bunch of Treatlife 3-way in-wall switches running ESPHome, but those both all required opening them up and making jigs to reflash them over to ESPHome from the stock firmwares.
(Edit: Plus a ton of custom ESPHome boards and piles-o-wires running ESPHome)
An Everything Presence One & a Lite from Everything Smart Home, a MSR-1 and a H-1 from Apollo Automation and a Ratgdo for my garage door, all working great. Plus a few home made bits here and there, love this platform.
That bed sensor is looking awfully tasty, thanks sharing!
@tj @homeassistant Athom energy monitoring wifi smart plugs for triggering other actions based on energy usage.
m5stack Atom Echo for a voice assistant.
I’m not buying athom now. Out of the 8 plugs I bought from them 5 are bricked. Looking at Shelly now.
@canatella wow. Any idea how they bricked? I’m still new to ESPhome and learning the ropes but I didn’t see any complaints about Athom before I purchased them.
Shout out to Everything Smart Home, great YouTube channel as well!