What companies are currently creating #ESPHome devices that you have bought and used? @homeassistant #homeassistant
Apollo Automation (https://apolloautomation.com/)
Elevated Sensors (https://www.elevatedsensors.com/)
What companies are currently creating #ESPHome devices that you have bought and used? @homeassistant #homeassistant
Apollo Automation (https://apolloautomation.com/)
Elevated Sensors (https://www.elevatedsensors.com/)
Have a bunch of KAUF Smart Bulbs that come pre-flashed with ESPHome
Also have a bunch of SonOff S31’s and a bunch of Treatlife 3-way in-wall switches running ESPHome, but those both all required opening them up and making jigs to reflash them over to ESPHome from the stock firmwares.
(Edit: Plus a ton of custom ESPHome boards and piles-o-wires running ESPHome)