I’m betting that this is HP going to their investors to say “Look, we’re doing the AI!”
His style and atmospheric setting in the games that I grew up with will always stick out as some of the best.
In case anyone else was curious, yes, you can download a dump of Wikipedia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download
I’m gonna download it even harder.
Back when I got off in 2019, there was a tool (Facebook sponsored somewhere in the settings) that allowed you to save everything in an offline HTML file that you could host locally and get access to things like picture albums, complete with descriptions and comments. Not sure if it still exists, but it made the process incredibly painless getting off while still retaining things like pictures.
I remember visiting family in Poland the year this song came out, it was played EVERYWHERE. On subsequent visits, that song was still being played everywhere.
Looking at the map, assuming these models aren’t for sale in Poland, Czech and so forth?
I really regret recycling my 32 inch Trinitron back in the mid-2000’s…
Flashback to the 970 debacle