Sure, you find it. We’ve had plenty of the zero consequences, so we’re going to putter around in the deleting millionaires and billionaires for a while trying to find that middle ground.
When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.
— Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (1994).
If the oppressor uses violence, the oppressed have no alternative but to respond violently. In our case it was simply a legitimate form of self-defense.
— Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (1994).
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.
— Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (1986)
No there is no middle ground because the wack jobs have moved their side so far from where it should be that ‘middle ground’ is still deep in their fantasy land.
Sometimes the only way to deal with a murderer is to murder the murderer.
In a better society this wouldn’t be the case, but in a society like ours this is the only way someone like a health insurance ceo will see justice for the horrors he inflicts on people.
In this case I’m not upset. How many deaths, bankruptcies, and lives ruined are these ghouls responsible for? Save your outrage for them. Just because their crimes are less dramatic doesn’t make them less meaningful
Ah, yes, pre-meditated murder is ok with you.
Ah, yes, zero consequences for building a business off the suffering and death of hundreds of thousands is ok with you.
Surely, surely there’s a middle ground right?
Sure, you find it. We’ve had plenty of the zero consequences, so we’re going to putter around in the deleting millionaires and billionaires for a while trying to find that middle ground.
This reminds me of the JFK quote “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
It doesn’t seem like a middle ground is possible because those at the top make justice impossible.
Also, other relevant quotes:
No there is no middle ground because the wack jobs have moved their side so far from where it should be that ‘middle ground’ is still deep in their fantasy land.
People have had enough. This is just starting.
The middle ground is far behind us.
Political action is the middle ground. Guess who makes that impossible?
They keep moving the bar every time we find middle ground. What do you expect?
One dead is the middle ground
We can’t afford to be neutral on a moving train.
Now playing Deer Dance by System of a Down
Life in prison? But seeing as the system is set up to reward not punish these monsters I’m not seeing a lot of options
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Self defense tbh, but on a societal level
Most people are ok with this yes.
Why do you hate millions of Americans
This man is an agent of justice. The murderer is dead.
Totally not the same guy
In this case I’m ok with it
His wife said on the news he “enjoyed life.” That claim, however, has been denied.
How many people have insurance executives sent to an early grave?
Sometimes the only way to deal with a murderer is to murder the murderer.
In a better society this wouldn’t be the case, but in a society like ours this is the only way someone like a health insurance ceo will see justice for the horrors he inflicts on people.
We aren’t talking about the the deceased, but about the one who killed the murderer who benefited from the suffering of others.
In this case I’m not upset. How many deaths, bankruptcies, and lives ruined are these ghouls responsible for? Save your outrage for them. Just because their crimes are less dramatic doesn’t make them less meaningful
Like pouring salt on a leech.
That’s not fair to leeches. They’re just trying to survive.
leeches also have a useful medical purpose, which is a pretty major distinction.
It wasn’t murder, it was an assassination… Of a leader of a company that has delayed the care of millions for paper power. What is one life to many?
Trolly problem. Pre-meditated murder is justified when it stops premeditated murders